Save Now Choose Later
Certificates & Credits
Federal & California Tax Update
Transfers & Locations
Group Registrations
2025 Conference Details
Are meals included in the conference registration fee?
Can I cancel my conference registration? What happens if I have to cancel a conference?
Dress Code
Does Western CPE make flight reservations for conference attendees?
When and how can I book my hotel for a 2024 conference?
What happens if I can’t attend the conference in person and opt for bonus credits?
I booked a room at the conference location’s overflow hotel that you offered. Will there be transportation provided?
When can I choose my courses and room booking link for my Save Now, Choose Later conference?
I have loyalty points as part of your conference loyalty program, where can I see how many I have?
Can I register a guest to attend a conference with me?
Does Western CPE make hotel reservations for conference attendees?
Is the cost of the hotel included in the conference price?
How to use your Bonus CPE
Federal Tax Update
What is the venue for my live event? What time does my event start?
Will manuals be available for the individual and business update at the location?
Western CPE Live Show(s) & Webcasts
Who will receive credit from the two day Tax Updates?
What is the difference between a seminar and a conference? Why is the price so different?
Sign in at the conference and/or seminar