Articles on: General FAQ's

Tax Exempt Customers

Frequently Asked Questions for Tax-Exempt Customers

Q1: What qualifies a customer for tax exemption?

A1: Customers may qualify for tax exemption if they represent an organization that has been granted a tax-exempt status by the state in which they are located. This includes, but is not limited to, certain non-profit organizations, educational institutions, and government entities. Being a non-profit does not automatically exempt you from sales tax; it is the state's decision to grant this exemption.

Q2: How do I apply for tax exemption with your company?

A2: To apply for tax exemption, you will need to submit a valid tax exemption certificate from your state. This document proves that your organization has been granted tax-exempt status by the state.

Q3: Where can I obtain a tax exemption certificate?

A3: Tax exemption certificates are issued by the state. You can usually obtain one by contacting your state's department of revenue or taxation. The process for applying for a tax exemption certificate varies by state, so it's essential to follow the guidelines provided by your specific state.

Q4: What information is needed to apply for a tax exemption certificate?

A4: The information required can vary by state, but generally, you will need to provide details about your organization, such as its name, address, type of organization (e.g., non-profit, educational institution), and proof of your tax-exempt status or eligibility.

Q5: How long does it take to process my tax exemption application with your company?

A5: After you submit your tax exemption certificate, our team will review your application to ensure it meets all state requirements. This process can take up to 2 business days. We'll notify you once your tax-exempt status has been updated in our system.

Q6: Is my tax exemption status permanent with your company?

A6: Tax exemption status is subject to periodic review and renewal requirements as per state regulations. You will be notified about the renewal process and any necessary steps you need to take to maintain your tax-exempt status with our company.

Q7: Can I apply for tax exemption on past purchases?

A7: Unfortunately, tax exemption cannot be applied retroactively to past purchases. Tax-exempt status will only apply to orders placed after your tax exemption certificate has been approved and processed by our team.

Q8: Who should I contact if I have questions about my tax exemption status?

A8: If you have any questions about your tax exemption status or the application process, please contact our customer Experience team at We're here to help ensure that your tax exemption process is as smooth as possible.

Updated on: 04/05/2024

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